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Consultancy for Social Compliance / Best Ethical Practices

Social Compliance or Best Ethical Practices in any organisation is dedicated to driving improvements in ethical and responsible business practices in global supply chains. It is a secure online platform for sharing and viewing information on labour standards, health and safety as well as the environment and business ethics. Global Manager Group's consultancy helps an organization to implement social compliance based system and assure best ethical practices that reduces risk, protect company reputation and improve supply chain practices. The social compliance systems incude the requirements of ECOVADIS, TFS, BSCI etc related to social compliances.

Social compliance is the largest collaborative platform for sharing ethical supply chain data, which is a not-for-profit membership organization.

Process of Social Compliance Certification

Social Compliance is not a standard setting body, code of conduct or certification. Instead the role of any standard is to enable you to effectively share and manage supply chain information, with the aim of driving continuous improvement. SEDEX has two aims, one is to ease the burden on suppliers facing multiple audits, questionnaires and certifications, and the other is to drive improvements in the ethical performance of global supply chains. Punyam.com is having experienced team for SEDEX certification consultants who guide clients to make process quick and effective. The SEDEX certificate is given by recognized certifying body and they carry out site audit for SEDEX certification. After certification they carry out annual certification audit.

Our Strength for Social Compliance Consultancy

  • We have a team of highly- experienced ISO consultant and globally certified lead auditors for Consulting Services
  • Our team is having graduate/master degree of Engineering/management having more than 15+ years of experience in management system implementation for clients.
  • Our consultants provide handholding support to clients in development and implementation of policies, plans, controls, documentation and record-keeping as well.
  • 100+ Social Compliance System implementation in various industries in 15+ countries.
  • Implemented 7000+ Man-days Social Compliance projects successfully
  • We follow the latest standard industry best practices for Social Compliance implementation
  • 200+ Editable documents for various management systems have been sold to our global clients
  • 200+ personnel of clients and other individuals trained by our consultants for awareness, system implementation and auditor training through online/class room.
  • Our Social Compliance consultants work with more than 50 leading International & National Certification Bodies such as BV; BSI; TUV; DNV; SGS; Lloyds; ISOQAR; NABL; IAS; UKAS, etc.
  • Our clients had got benefits of continuous improvements and business excellence with use of our practical approach in consultancy projects.
  • In our ready to use Social Compliance documentation package we provide 100+ editable sample document templates with more than 400 pages.