EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is data privacy and security law requirements to achieve higher standards of performance and create greater value. The European Commission set out plans for data protection reform across the European Union in order to make Europe 'fit for the digital age' and created the EU GDPR law applies to any organization operating within the EU, as well as any organisations outside of the EU which offer goods or services to customers or businesses in the EU.
GDPR is a new set of rules designed to give EU citizens more control over their personal data.
The key concepts of EU GDPR;
1. Improves the protection of European data subjects' rights and clarifies what companies that process personal data must do to safeguard these rights
2. It impose a uniform data security law on all EU members
3. Provide a set of standardised data protection laws across all the member countries.
4. Improved data security.
5. Detailed transparency requirements in GDPR – Global Manager Group,a Data privacy & system consultancy company is having vast experience in the implementation of EU GDPR in IT and BPO company. The stages of consultancy are followed as under for the EU GDPR implementation of the client, who has taken our EU GDPR consultancy services. The stages followed as are as under:
1 .Micro–level survey for each and every department of the organization against the specific requirements of EU GDPR.
2. Preparation of applicable documents required by EU GDPR based on detail study of all activities of all departments of companies, including risk assessment, Privacy impact assessment, types of data, types of assets etc. for each of the activities performed by organization with the focusing on data protection.
3. Training to all levels of employees for EU GDPR requirements,
4. Helps in effective implementation of system by periodic visit till implementation and compliance of GDPR in company,
5. Conduct internal audit to check readiness for the EU GDPR compliance.
6. Conduct management review meeting in presence of Top Management to guide the Company for effective implementation.
7. Help in closing of non-conformities issued during the internal audit and assessment.
The benefits can be divided into five key areas.
1 .Review of process, data management and providing input considering the data protection issue,
2. Establishment of facility to overcome the key data protection issues,
3. Helping for implement the GDPR sets out seven key principles:
4. Guiding in each and every process for effective implementation.
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