Punyam’s NABH certification consultants provide all-round support to hospitals and healthcare providers for achieving NABH Accreditation in a time bound and cost-effective way. We provide NABH awareness training, conduct quality policy - objectives workshop, gap analysis, documentation work, including manuals, procedures, work instructions, formats etc., implementation assistance and internal auditor training, lead auditor training, assistance in conducting internal audit, pre-assessment audit and everything required to ensure a 100% successful NABH certification audit within scheduled project completion time period.
NABH - National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers is a constitute board of Quality Council of India (QCI) set to establish and operate accreditation program for heath organizations and hospitals. NABH is an institutional member as well as a board member of the Accreditation Council of International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua). It is also a board member of Asian Society for Quality in Health Care (ASQua).
Punyam.com is involved in NABH accreditation and certification since 2005. We have expertise in the field of NABH accreditation certification consultancy. Many leading hospitals and healthcare service providers have achieved NABH accreditation under Punyam's project management
• Entry level Hospitals
• Entry level for SHCO
• Entry level for AYUSH Clinic
• Entry level for AYUSH Hospitals
Punyam.com is involved in accreditation and certification since 1995. We have expertise in the field of NABH accreditation certification consultancy. Many leading hospitals have achieved NABH accreditation under Punyam’s project management.
Steps of NABH Accreditation Consultancy by Punyam.com
As a leading NABH Accreditation and Certification Consultancy Company, Punyam develops the system for its customers in the following steps:
Following are the key benefits that organization can achieve with implementation of NABH accreditation system in any hospital or healthcare unit.
Following are the general and technical NABH accreditation requirements that any organization must follow while implementation of NABH system to achieve best results and quick NABH certification: