Our ISO 37301 consultants will help organizations of any type, size and nature in implementation of Compliance management system (CMS) and achieve ISO 37301 certification in optimum time.
ISO 37301Compliance management system (CMS) provides organizations a structured approach to meet all compliance obligations, i.e., requirements that they mandatorily have to comply with such as laws, regulations, court rulings, permits, licenses, as well as those that they voluntarily choose to comply with such as internal policies and procedures, codes of conduct, standards, and agreements with communities or NGOs. ISO 37301:2021 is an internationally recognized standard for compliance management systems, which provides a comprehensive set of requirements and guidelines for creating a robust compliance program for maintaining integrity and trust within an organization and with its stakeholders
Our ISO 37301 consultants will help you configure a compliance management system in order to satisfy national/ international/local legal /regulatory norms and regulations. They will also help you in compliance with social and ethical values. The focus of our ISO 37301 consultancy is on the systematic implementation of an organization-wide compliance system and achieve ISO 37301 Certification in a time and cost effective manner. Our ISO 37301 consultants also help organizations to integrate ISO 37301 compliance management system into other management systems, such as ISO 9001 Quality and ISO 37001 Anti-bribery management system, etc., thus increasing efficiencies, effectiveness and productivity of the client organization.
Punyam.com, a well-known ISO 37301Consultancy services provider in India, is having a rich experience in the implementation of Compliance management systems and ISO 37301 Consultancy services for all types of organizations, such as manufacturing, construction, chemical, pharmaceutical, engineering, textile, laboratories, and other industries. Punyam’s ISO 37301 Consultants provide the ISO 37301 compliance management system consultancy in following manner:
1 .Micro level survey for each and every activity of the organization and preparation of detailed Gap Analysis report.
2. Support in formulating compliance policy and corresponding objectives
3. Preparation of applicable documents required by ISO 37301:2021, based on the detailed study of all organizational activities, such as:
4. ISO 37301 awareness training to all levels of employees within the organization
5. Assistance in effective implementation of the system by periodic visit
6. Internal audit training to selected employees of the client
7. Conduct internal audit to check readiness for the ISO 37301 Compliance Management System certification
8. Conduct management review meeting in the presence of Top Management to guide the organization for effective implementation for all the issues pertaining to Compliance management system
9. Support during onsite adequacy audit and certification audit by certification body.
The key benefits of ISO 37301 certification are summarized in below points:
ISO 37301:2021 certification is for compliance management system of the organization. ISO 37301 is a Type A management system standard which sets out the requirements and provides guidelines for establishing, developing, implementing, evaluating, maintaining, and continually improving a compliance management system. A Type A management system standard contains requirements against which an organization can claim conformance and get certification. In order to achieve ISO 37301:2021 certification, the client organization will be required to fulfil all the requirements from clause number 4 to clause no.10 of the 37301:2021, which includes, but not limited to: