ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). 'ISO 20252 Market, Opinion and Social Research' was initially published in the year 2006. Later on, it was revised in the year 2012, as a replacement of the existing standard BS 7911:2003. Technical Committee ISO/TC 225 prepared this document, Market, Opinion and Social research.
The new revised ISO 20252 is applicable to all service providers and social research companies where conformable and high quality services are required. British Standard BS 7911 was first published in 2003 which covers the management and delivery of research projects right from creating the proposals to achieving the desire result.
The main purpose of this document is to create a structure for the companies to assure that its implementation helps to continual improvement of research and synchronize the network codes available.
ISO 20252:2019 enhanced the content of BS 7911 and harmonized it with other standards. Today, more than a thousand organizations across the world are certified under ISO 20252:2019.
The ISO 20252:2019 Consultancy by will ensure consistency with all future and revised management system standards.
ISO 20252 Certification Consultancy by, for Market, Opinion and Social Research guides an organization on how to implement the best 20252 system in the organization, provides training for system awareness, and creates documentation for the ISO 20252:2019 certification.
Punyam’s ISO 20252 certification consultancy service guides clients with step-by-step system for service providers conducting market, opinion and social research.
The certificate is issued for 3 years after successful completion of pre-assessment and registration (final) assessment. Organization can take help from our ISO 20252 consultant who has vast experience in the implementation of this standard.
Following are the steps that Punyam follows while implementing market, opinoin and social research and ISO 20252 Consultancy services for all types of industries, such as chemicals, pharmaceuticals, engineering, and others.
1 .Micro level survey of the existing system,
2. Conduct awareness training program for better understanding of ISO 20252,
3. Create the documentation,
4. Define policy and establish objectives
5. Prepare documents for ISO 20252 certification,
6. Conduct internal audit for ISO 20252 certification,
7. Take corrective actions for non-conformities
8. Apply for ISO 20252 certification
9. Accomplish the ISO 20252 self-assessment
10. Avail pre-certification audit of certifying body
11. Implement the Market, Opinion and Social Research model in the system
12. Final audit by certifying body
13. Get certified for ISO 20252:2019
By implementing market,opinion and social research as per ISO 20252:2019 standard, organization can achieve following benefits from the ISO 20252 system with continuos improvements:
1 .Minimize errors and rework.
2. Enhances organization credibility and reputation.
3. Increases performance of affected processes.
4. Ensures timely delivery of services.
5. Helps to gain new opportunities for improvement.
6. Decreases certification cost
Following is the summary of core requirements applicable to all research service providers, regardless of their research methodologies:
In addition , the requirements relating to the research methodologies( as applicable) need to be fulfilled.