Our team of Kaizen consultants provides companies of all types and sizes in implementing Kaizen methodology for lean production and creating continuous improvement in their business operations. If your company is interested in implementing a Kaizen program, our experienced Kaizen consultants will provide the guidance and direction that is suitable to your needs and budget also. Our Kaizen consultants are leading experts in planning and implementation of Kaizen in all business sectors including manufacturing companies, healthcare organizations, and service sector. You can get benefit of their knowledge and experience by taking our Kaizen consultancy services.
Kaizen is a Japanese business philosophy that focuses on gradually improving productivity and making a work environment more efficient. Kaizen is considered to be the "building block" of all lean production methods. Kaizen focuses on eliminating waste, improving productivity, and achieving sustained continual improvement in targeted activities and processes of an organization. Kaizen supports change from any employee at any time. Kaizen translates to change for the better or continuous improvement. Kaizen's small changes can involve quality control, just-in-time delivery, standardized work, the use of efficient equipment, and the elimination of waste. Kaizen methodology underscores that small, incremental changes routinely applied and sustained over a long period result in significant improvements. The kaizen strategy aims to involve workers from multiple functions and levels in the organization in working together to address a problem or improve a process. The team uses analytical techniques, such as value stream mapping and "the 5 whys", to identify opportunities quickly to eliminate waste in a targeted process or production area. The team works to implement chosen improvements rapidly (often within 72 hours of initiating the kaizen event), typically focusing on solutions that do not involve large capital outlays.
With our Kaizen consultancy, companies can get following valuable benefits: